Unlocking the Gut-Brain Harmony
The gastrointestinal tract, often referred to as our second brain, acts as a crucial barrier between our bodies and the external world. Within this intricate system resides a community of living organisms, encompassing bacteria, viruses, and fungi collectively known as the microbiome.
Stress and anxiety take a toll on the microbiome, impacting its delicate balance.
Trauma, on the other hand, can freeze the stomach, impeding its normal functionality.

How can the Newer Mind's approach make a difference?
We tackle stress, alleviate anxiety, and address traumas to restore optimal stomach function.
By calming the mind and activating the parasympathetic brain (often referred to as the "chill-out brain"), responsible for the entire digestive system, we aim to create a harmonious environment.
A well-functioning parasympathetic brain equates to a well-functioning digestive system.
Our Approach
Our approach facilitates the production of serotonin, with 95% of this "happy hormone" originating in the gut. Adequate serotonin flow fosters a positive mood, making it easier to navigate life.
Transformative Results for the Driven Individual
Leaky gut equals less serotonin, leading to a low mood.
Proper serotonin flow results in a good mood and increased happiness.
Invest in Yourself: Your Future Awaits
Our commitment to addressing IBS is fueled by personal experience, having overcome it after a decade-long struggle. Formerly apprehensive about dining out or planning outings, I meticulously checked toilet maps and felt shame on numerous occasions. Even travel posed challenges, as I avoided eating for fear of inaccessible restrooms. Today, I've triumphed over IBS, relishing dining experiences, discarding toilet maps, and comfortably eating during travel.
I am here to guide you on a similar journey.
For more insights, delve into my Blog post on IBS: Hypnotherapy for IBS - How We Can Overcome Your Symptoms?
Book a virtual consultation to explore how we can collaborate in conquering IBS.
Effective Therapies for IBS - the Newer Mind Approach

With Newer Mind as your guide, witness the metamorphosis from fear to freedom, from hesitation to unwavering confidence.